
Sunday, March 19, 2017

Applying to The Business School At MSU

By Zach

If you are reading this blog I am assuming that you are interested in the field of business and you are planning on applying to the Business School at Michigan State University.  Applying to the school of business can be confusing and complicated. That is why I am going to break it down for you. I will be covering most of the qualifications to get in and how you can contact certain people to help you further educate yourself on the application process.

Requirements to apply to Broad College of Business:

Completion of:
-CSE 101
-WRA 101
-MTH 103 or MTH 124
-Completion of 28 credits

GPA Requirements
To be considered into the Broad college you must have a competitive GPA. This means that the average of all your classes needs to be over a 3.0 and the average of the 3 classes mentioned above need to be a 3.0 or above.

Sources/Links to learn more about Admission process:

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